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Discover fun ways to save and spend wisely with Kirby

family savings

Understanding Needs vs Wants

Needs are things that we have to have, like food and shelter. Wants are things that we would like to have but don't necessarily need, like a new toy or video game. It's important to make sure we have what we need first before we get what we want. When we save money, we can plan for both our needs and our special wants! This way, we learn to make good choices and feel happy when we get something we've saved up for. Remember, saving a little at a time can help us get the things we want while making sure we always have what we need!

Kirby Joke

knight and princess

What’s a princess’s favorite time?

— Knight time.

If you could visit any planet, which one would you pick?

If you could visit any planet, which one would you pick?

Kirby's Big Heart

Kirby the kangaroo loved helping his friends. One day, he saw  his friend Wally  looking sad.

"My family's home got damaged in the storm, and we can't fix it," Wally said.

Kirby decided to help. He asked his mom and dad if they could have a bake sale. They agreed, and Kirby and his parents helped spread the word.

On the day of the bake sale, friends  from all over the town came to buy the wonderful looking pastries. Kirby explained, "Helping others is important. We can make a big difference with money, food, shelter, or just being a friend."

They raised enough money to fix Wally's home. Kirby and his friends worked together to repair it.

"Thank you, Kirby," Wally said. "We couldn't have done it without you."

"That's what friends are for," Kirby replied, smiling.

From then on, Kirby reminded everyone that even small acts of kindness could make a big difference. And with a big heart, Kirby was always ready to help those in need.

Kirby Story

Saving Topics

Make Small Savings Goals

Saving money is like planting seeds for your dreams to grow! When you save, you're preparing for exciting adventures and big goals ahead. So, let's be smart with our pennies and watch our dreams bloom into reality!

Giving Back

Remember, being kind and generous feels super awesome! Sharing what you have with others spreads happiness and makes the world a brighter place. So, let's team up and make kindness our superpower! 

Being Responsible

Just like taking care of your room or things that are important to you, being responsible with money means taking care of our pennies, nickels, and dimes! It's about making sure you know where something is the next time you want to use it. That means not spending it all at once on treats, but saving some for later when we really need it.So, let's be money superheroes and always remember to use our money wisely!

Earning Money

Just like grown-ups have jobs, we can also do little jobs to earn money. Helping out around the house with chores or extra tasks, maybe we help set the table for dinner, walk the dog, or tidy up our room. Every little job you do can help to earn money, and then you can use that money to buy things you want or save it for something really special!